Sunday, 30 June 2013


Sketches for the Final Project

Sketch 1 : Communication Barrier

People nowadays tend to communicate a lot through advance technology devices. Anyone could be a extrovert and sound extremely sociable through social networking sites and mobile applications. However, when it comes to real life face to face communication, they might not be able to even look into people's eyes to socialize or mingle around. That, might even be their biggest fear. With that mentioned, it is undeniable that the advance technology today does build up a barrier or a communication wall among  humans. 

Sketch 2 : Reliance 

People today rely too much on the advance technology. In fact, plenty of us have stated the fact that we can't live without technology. This sketch shows how humans in this era especially teenagers rely on technology ( a tad bit too much) from a daily basis or perspective. Even babies are sucking their milk from a mobile phone. Sleeping with a thousand devices next to us is also one of the normal phenomenon seen today.

 Sketch 3 : World Evolution 

This sketch is trying to portray that technology grows along as the earth ages. It has the good old days devices slowly turning into the modern day era's technology gadgets. It shows how far technology has revolutionized. The robot hand grabbing the entire earth just shows how the new tech is slowly conquering the world, slowly shaking away the old devices to the new ones. Welcome to the new era where we will soon have robots walking among us.

Sketch 4 : Technology heartbeat

Today, technology has become the root of human's survival. If there's a survival kit,  all the items below will probably be included. Mobile phones, laptops, earphones, Dj sets and Ipads have all became necessities to human beings today. It allows us to communicate through continents around the world which explains how the countries on the map are shaped into technology gadgets. Also, the Dj sets and earphones was added as it is obvious that music has became a tool to bring humans all around the world together. The heart beat represents the united spirit and soul among human beings everywhere on earth. Hence, this sketch shows the bright side of advance technology.

Final Sketch : Two faced Technology (APPROVED)

Description will be under artist statement in the final posting.

Lots of love, A dose of Joey

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