Sunday 30 June 2013



Plenty of hard work , blood, sweat and effort was put into creating the final project. As a psychology student, I had no experience in photo shop before this. Thus, I hope this artwork can meet the expectations and won't disappoint.  

Original Sketch

Step 1 : I did a abstract art for the background to make the artwork more original. 

Tool used - Brush > Colour > Opacity > Eraser

Step 2 : The abstract art I did was inverted to the opposite colour to create a contrast.  

Tools used : Linear light > Opacity 

Step 3 : Both layers were duplicated on top of the original sketch layer and multiply was selected. 

Tools used : Multiply > Opacity

Step 4 : Once the sketch looked visible, I used the eraser tool to clean the objects and details in the sketch. This is to make the colouring process easier later on.

Tools used: Eraser ( Brush and Block)

Step 5 :  I then proceeded to colour the sketch. Making sure the colour on the right is more vibrant and the colours are dull on the left. Again, to show a contrast between the bad and good side of technology.

Tools used : Brush ( all types)  > Bush Brushes ( downloaded online) >  Opacity 

Step 6: Later on, I felt that the icons on my sketch are not outstanding enough. I decided to create my own using photoshop.

Tools used : Rounded Rectangular tool > Elliptical Marquee tool > Polygonal Lasso tool > Lasso tool > Magic Wand tool > Pain Bucket tool 

Step 7 : Then, I duplicated all the icon layers on the main layer and adjust the size of the image. The extra white backgrounds were all removed.

Tools used : Polygonal Lasso tool > Lasso tool > Eraser

Step 8 : Spent plenty of time adjusting the opacity for every objects, making the final product more clear, recoloured some items and outlined some of the original sketches. I realized it was too dull and flat looking. Therefore, I proceeded to find textures to add into the artwork to make it look more striking and 3 dimensional. 

Tools used : Eraser > Brush > Lasso Tool > Stroke ( Edit) > Opacity 

Step 9 : Finally found suitable textures to make the artwork pop. Played around with the opacity to suit the mood of the artwork. 

Tools used : Duplicate layers > Eraser > Opacity > Effects 


* Claps*

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